Es ist ja immer interessant, ob Hersteller aus Fernost ohne Hinweis das Innenleben ihrer Produkte verändern.
Im Rahmen des aktuellen Shockli-TLF-Groupbuys habe ich mich auch mit weiteren 26650ern eingedeckt.
Hier der Vergleich der im Februar gemessenen Zelle mit einer aus dem GB. Das lässt hoffen! Die etwas bessere Spannungslage in den ersten 700mAh ist wohl der um 7°C höheren Umgebungstemperatur bei der Messung geschuldet.
Anhang anzeigen 94334
Hello Flummi,
Then maybe you'll be interested in my test results. I have been using this PLB INR26650-55A cells since two years ago, and I used to buy this cell from some China dealers. The cells I got are all raw cells with PLB original shrink tubes, and there is a specific batch number/cell number on most of them (there are some exceptions: two of them have no such info printed at all, only two characters "FF", and they performed worse than the others).
The tested cells were never cycled before. They had been stored since the day of purchase, until this test.
VX16**** means the cell is manufactured in 2016, and similarly, VX17**** means 2017, VX18**** means 2018.
This is just to give you some idea about the variance you may face from batch to batch (and even within the same batch). I can separate these curves into different plots, if necessary.